What is the Best Way to Clean and Care for Wood Cutting Boards?

Wood vs. Plastic Cutting Boards - Which is better - wood or plastic?

Most people are surprised to hear that a wood cutting board may be more resistant to bacterial buildup than plastic ones. Research has shown that bacteria, such as the salmonella often found on raw chicken, will thrive and multiply if not removed from plastic boards (because germs that cause food poisoning can hide out in the knife-scarred nooks and crannies that develop on the surface of a plastic cutting board). Hand scrubbing with hot water and soap can clear microbes from the surface of new or used wooden cutting boards and new plastic ones, but knife-scared plastic boards are resistant to decontamination by hand washing.

How to Clean and Care Of Wood Cutting Boards

1- Rinse Immediately After Use

Studies show that a prewash rinse eliminates enough bacteria so that levels are generally safe — but be sure your other dishes aren't in the splash zone (especially if you've been working with raw meat), or you might contaminate them. And resist the urge to plunge the board into your basin of soapy water. Pathogens will transfer to the water, so you won't be able to use it to clean anything else. Plus, since wood is porous, dunking a board could cause it to split and warp.

2- Disinfect with 3 Percent Hydrogen Peroxide

Pour the hydrogen peroxide over the board and distribute it all over the board with a clean sponge. Let it stand for a few minutes as it fizzes and kills germs, and then wipe it off with the clean sponge.

3- Remove Stains with Coarse Salt or Baking Soda

Dry the board completely and sprinkle it with a good bit of salt or baking soda. Scrub out the stain using a sponge or a brush dipped into hot water. Or, for extra stain-lifting power, use a half of a lemon to do the scrubbing — the acid gives the abrasive baking soda or salt extra oomph.

4- Deodorize with White Vinegar

Got a stinky board? Keep a spray bottle filled with white vinegar and spritz your cutting board whenever it needs to be refreshed (a squeeze of lemon works well here too). The vinegar neutralizes odors and works as an all-natural disinfectant.

5- Sanitize Using Diluted Bleach

An occasional extra-deep cleaning is a good idea, particularly after working with raw meat, fish or poultry. Add 1 teaspoon bleach to 1-quart water and spread the solution over the board (you don't want to fully submerge the board, but you might place it in a basin to help contain the liquid). Let stand for a few minutes before rinsing with hot water.

Let cutting boards dry completely; do not stack together or with other kitchen gear so that they remain wet.

Store cutting boards so that they stay clean, dry, and do not touch raw meat, poultry or seafood or their drippings.

For board maintenance:

every few weeks generously sprinkle coarse salt over the surface of the board, rub it with sliced lemon, then rinse well with hot water. If your cutting boards are made from butcher block, once a month apply a small amount of mineral oil or beeswax, rubbing with a lint-free cloth in the direction of the wood grain. (Walnut oil, almond oil, and pure tung oil are good alternatives, but stay away from olive or vegetable oils, as they turn rancid quickly.) Reapply until the wood stops absorbing the oil. Wipe off excess and dry board overnight.

Guidelines To Increase Food Safety When Using Wood Cutting Boards:

Choose a board with a smooth, hard surface. It should be approved for contact with food.

Replace cutting boards that become deeply scratched, carved or grooved.

Do not chop salad, vegetables or other ready-to-eat foods on an unwashed cutting board that's been used to trim raw meat, poultry or seafood. If possible, always use a clean, separate, color-coded cutting board for fresh vegetables, fruits, bread, and other food that will not be cooked prior to eating.

Vie Belles Everyday Cutting Board

This cutting board is double-sided with magnetic knife-holding strips at the center - perfect for chopping and dicing before storing the knives away. The construction is an end-grain butcher block cutting board in Oregon black walnut, maple, and oak wood with an oiled, food-safe finish. A combination of professional chefs and master craftsmen have provided their expertise in the construction, design, and reliability of each cutting board. Aesthetically, the double-sided Everyday Cutting Board By Vie Belles is smooth with a natural wooden appearance and professional, polished look that goes with both antiquated and contemporary kitchen décor.

While a passion for cooking and a love for food can spawn from a plethora of memories and experiences, the ability to cook well comes with creativity, imagination, patience, and practice. From professional chefs to the most basic of cooking novices, genuine foodies know that the key to amazing meals comes with fresh ingredients and high-quality kitchen utensils, such as the Everyday Cutting Board & Knife by Vie Belles.

Stand the cutting board upright for an instant space saver and beautiful knife storage system. The more space that a chef has for meal preparation, the better the meal is likely to be.

Designed to prevent food from being stuck in the block, we have added a slot on the opposite end to help with air circulation and ease of cleaning. So go ahead and store your knives away... and if food gets lodged inside - give it a good knock, the particles will fall out!

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